Phil Styles

Feb 2, 20192 min

A Prayer for You (January 2019 Styles' Update)

Hello Dear Friends!

Our last update was November 2018. Since then, much has happened! Our desire is that these updates will keep us connected in a world of transience and information overload. May our news inspire you to whisper a prayer over us and keep us in your heart. I'll say a prayer over you and your family at the end. Thanks for taking time to read this update!

David and Jonathan at Christmas 2018

Family: David turned 3 and Phil turned 48 in January. We enjoyed our celebrations.

Jonathan and David amaze us every day in the ways they are growing and developing! For instance, Jonathan is doing the opening prayer at church this Sunday (Feb 3) and when he has previously prayed at church the words he uses inspire me. He prays for the world and blessings over the church. That is Holy Spirit driven! Beautiful to witness! David is eager to serve and has asked to help with taking up offerings at church this Sunday. I assume this is "normal" for most kids growing up, trying to imitate their parents, but I'll never get tired of witnessing it! Pray for Jonathan and David to grow into men of prayer and faith! And pray that they never outgrow Mommy and Daddy's hugs and kisses! :)

"Thy Will Be Done" - Stain Glass Window in our Church

Church Life: At Cambridge Street Baptist Church, we have much to celebrate in our church and other areas where we are trying to discern our next steps (Psalm 119;125). One significant area of prayer is affirming our sense of God's mission and vision for us as a church at our upcoming Annual Meeting . "Why do we exist?" and, "What do we exist for?" define our Kingdom impact outcomes. Pray for us, please. Also, could you pray/claim 1 Peter 3:8 TLB over us? That we "should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds." That would be a most wonderful prayer!

To You, our Beloved Friend: We value you. We ask you for prayer and we want to reciprocate that honour and privilege. Allow us to pray for you:

Sweet Everlasting Father,

We come to you and humble ourselves in the wonder of Your love for us!

You are faithful, kind, and so gracious to us as Your children!

Abba Father, be with our brothers and sisters in this world of chaos and confusion.

Strengthen those whose hearts ache with every breath they take...

Comfort those who are suffocating in grief...

Uplift those who are looking for food or employment...

And in the Name of Jesus, we speak Life and Health over those who are ill...

Lord, since Your love is boundless we ask that the love of God be poured into their hearts through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Holy Spirit, we ask for more love! More heavenly love in our marriages, in our churches, and in our neighbourhoods. Fill us, we pray.

May they feel Your tangible power and presence. Fill their homes with the joy of Your Presence.

We pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

At the risk of repeating it too much, we love you! Thanks for staying connected with us!

Phil, Melanie, Jonathan, and David Styles

Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
