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  • Writer's picturePhil Styles

Family. Faith. Fulfillment.

Hello our Beloved Friends and Family! ❤️

This is our Styles family bi-monthly prayer update and the timing is perfect to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We pray that the joy of the LORD's presence may fill your hearts and homes both now and forevermore!

Here are some updates about our family to help us stay connected:

Phil, Jonathan, and David on a post-church hike in the Niagara Gorge

Jonathan is doing really well. He is excelling in swimming and has discovered that he likes basketball and 4 wheelers. He wants you to know that he really loves our kitten! Jonathan has a tender and big heart. Jonathan is also growing in lots of ways. He challenges me to games of chess and is using his logic in conversations and school clubs. Jonathan recently sat in on our volunteer Kids Group ministry planning. In the meeting, he was certain he should do some of the spiritual talks. Therefore, this winter he and I will share some talks about Jesus with the Kids Group. He also wants to be baptized. Please keep Jonathan in your prayers so that his confidence in Jesus' love and life may grow more and more.

David wants me to write that he is cool and handsome. lol 😄 David is full of energy and likes to be the funny guy. He likes math, friends, and has a competitive edge that shows in games and soccer. If he beats me at Foosball or wins a Settlers of Catan game, he will remind us of his victory many times! He is very relational and we thank God that he is sincere in his desire to know God! He asks many insightful and deeply reflective questions about faith. Please pray that David's relationship with God will grow in sincerity and depth of love.

Children's Choir: David in the front with arms raised

Julia, an exchange student from Brazil, has done very well on the school swimming team and enjoyed dressing up for her first Hallowe’en (picture). She has also enjoyed her first exposure to snow and last week she got to enjoy ice skating! Julia has been a delightful addition to our family! She will be returning to Brazil at the end of January and the boys will certainly miss her! Please pray for Julia as she completes her schooling and discerns what God has in store for her future.

I praise God for Melanie! In this season, Melanie works from home to help a friend, who is a travel agent, with some part-time administration. She is a busy mom and wife with supporting our family dynamics. For instance, we recently had a bathtub repair and the contractor cracked our bathtub drain pipe. As such, when one of the boys was draining his bath the water leaked through the basement ceiling, down walls and steps. I was overwhelmed but Melanie took charge. She negotiated and coordinated the repairs with excellence! I so value her.

We still delight in our date nights together and we recently enjoyed a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert with her parents. We were all amazed by the music and light displays! It was wonderful! We would ask that you remember Melanie in your prayers as we continue to wait on God for complete healing in her body and well-being. Some days her pains are intense.

Safari Niagara Christmas Lights

Phil is grateful. Phil has been enjoying ministering to all ages at First Baptist Church Fort Erie! Our Kids Group ministry had its November celebration with smiling children and parents in attendance. Our Youth Group ministry and Young Adult ministries have wrapped up their seasons with warm relationships and meaningful memories. Our family just enjoyed a wonderful night with the Senior's Group as we toured the Safari Niagara Christmas lights together! As a general summary, Phil is continually reminded of why God loves His Church so much! It is always encouraging to serve alongside poeple who are working together to make this world a better place in Jesus' Name. We invite you to join us in making a difference as you pray with us for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Come, Lord Jesus!

A December Church Service

All of these updates are to say we thank God for his gift of eternal life and the privilege we have to live life to the fullest. Thank you for caring about us and journeying with us in prayer. May the joy of God’s presence and the peace that passes understanding fill your heart and home this Christmas Season! We appreciate your friendship and prayers.

Until our LORD comes,

Phil, Melanie, Jonathan, David (and Julia)

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